You Can Say

Monday, December 28, 2009

Tagged by Iza =)

11 things i did this year =)


Got to learn in an AWESOME class =)(Haha lose the word CHALLENGE)


Got 3rd for MSSS volleyball competition :)

3)Get to know this awesome people =)

Yu Jun =)

Marcuss :)

Weeeeza :D

Song Yang~I've known you for quite a while but...What the heck x)

Joshua =)

Siong Yinggg :)

4)Got to be Drum Major:) and attended the Std 6's graduation :(

5)Got NOT TOO GOOD results -.-

6)AWESOME friends!!!

Lian Yu..Shu Hui..MIchelle =)

Kim and Megan :)


Hannah..Calista...Xue Er and Seon (:

Wei Lynn!!


7)1st 1U outing with LZH,LJS,Hui,Mich, Cloudy with a chance of was a blast! :D


8)Had LOADS of FUN on Childrens Day...No pic..sry...But we also got in trouble for it...O.O

9)Started Facebookin.

10)I got mah new iPod Classic!!!!

Wheeeeeee =)




1. Whoever
2. Who
3. Wants
4. To
5. Do
6. It
8. Do

1. Do the same like i did. Well, not the things I did obviously.
3. Do it by your age. If you're 11 , do 11 things. If you're 20, do 20 things. Simple.
4. You better do this, i spent like half an hour to do this. YOU BETTER DO IT.

Buh Bye!


Alison :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Light Swirl

This is my brother's video. I just posted this video to make my blog more alive.

So, enjoy!

Please comment and rate (out of 5) in the cbox.

My bro says:
If you would want to watch it on youtube, here is the link:

If any of you have a youtube account, please subscribe to his videos.

Thanks in advance, and please no negative comments.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Wassup mah peeps!!!
I'm back~~If you didn't know i was gone...Well now I'm telling you that I'm back.

I came back from Bintan club Med!!!IT.WAS.AWESOME!!!
And I finally did the trapeze!!!WOOO....Sry..I'm hyper today.
Yeah!!!I did it~after 5 times...I FINALLY did it...I'm sho happy!

So yeah,it was fun...ESPECIALLY the beach!!!
The waves were SUPER STRONG....
The undercurrents will pull u back tho...thats where we had to be careful...

BTW,I went with my family..cousin...and my friends family...

So the sad part...
I came back from an awesome holiday...went online...and found out i had MOUNTAINS OF HOMEWORK TO DO!!!! C.K give so much for what....haiz...-.-'

LOL...I'm still not doing it now...;P

Yeah thats all...Happy hols guys~

Peace out,

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Qing let me do it...(: l Disturbia (:

1. Put your iPod, mp3, or media player on "shuffle"
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer
3. You must write down the name of the song, no matter how silly it sounds!

P.S:I'm using my brothers phone...

How would you describe yourself?
Abu Nene-I have no idea...
WHEE...I'm Abu Nene~

What do you like in a guy/girl?
Crazy Frog-Axel F
A crazy guy...o:

How do you feel today?
Cant touch this-MC Hammer
Dont touch me...xP

What is your life purpose?
Superman-Five for fighting
My life purpose is to BE Superman...??

What is your motto?
100 years-Five for fighting
Live till you're 100...(:

What do your friends think of you?
I'll be there for you-Friends theme song.

What do you think of your parents?
Mad World-Adam Lambert

What do you think of the person you like?
Gitchi-Gitchi-Goo I love you-Phineas and Ferb
AHAHAHAHAHA....Gitchi-gitchi-Goo <3

What is your life story?
Take a bow-Rihanna
I'm taking a bow...;P

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Baby Got Back-Sir Mix alot.
I like big butts and I cannot lie...xDD

What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Bad Day-Daniel Powter
Great,just great...):

What will you dance to at your wedding?
Bleeding Love-Leona Lewis
Yes,i will be bleeding LOVE.

What will they play at your funeral?
BYe BYe-Mariah Carey...
Bye Bye...:'(

What is your hobby?
Chasing Cars-Snow Patrol
Haha...i like to chase cars...xP

What is your biggest fear?
Crush-David archuleta

What is your biggest secret?
Dancing Queen-Abba
My biggest secret is dancing??

What will you post this as?

i guess that's correct. i love this kinda tags. :)
* just a random fact. Qing can play Love Story's intro, 1st and 2nd verse on the piano. WEE. :D

Xue Er
You :D

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Well,not for US...but for the awesome and sexy std 6-ers...

Anyways,we perform for 5 minutes..then we were done.

Now,to the hugging and crying part(best part)

So,after thay sang their songz...everyone started crying.
First,we went to hug Siong Ying and Iza and Ee Lyn...then i was holding back my tears...then i saw Shu Hui i started crying and couldnt stop.

We went to Yu Jun...she was crying like siao...:P We hugged her...i hugged her the most...then i went to hug Jay Ying...
And now...the really really sad part...I HAD TO LEAVE WITHOUT HUGGING ANYONE ELSE..
I had tuition...So I just went home...:(

Hey you guys...come back to school some day k? I owe you guys a hug...:)

You guys are the BEST...i mean...seriously.

Come to school at least once every month k? Hope we keep in touch...FRIENDS FOREVER guys...

Kays,that all for now.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Finally blogging again..(cuz of Megan)

Hey Sexies...:D

So,i havent been blogging for a long long long long long...and it goes,Hi,I'm back...:)

10 Nov

Happy Birthday Daddy and Max...same birthDAY cool rite?
So,had did max..xD Nothing much...

11 Nov and 12 Nov

V.B competition...*den den den*LOL.
So 1st day...won both matches...
2nd day...Elaine didnt come...won 1 match and lost 1 match..We got 3rd...yay??

As you all know...THE AWESOME AND SEXY STD 6 are going...T.T
This is damn sad...I only got to know them this year...time flies so fast..:(
ON that day,I'll try not to cry...Okay,here goes:

Yap Yu Jun: Heyyy...thx for helping me for...anything you did to help me...I just wanna thank you for being my truly are an awesome friend..Love you always.:)

Weeeeeza:Hello sexy.:) You will always be the most sexy one to me kays? No worries xD I will ALWAYS remember you...:) xoxo muacks.

Qingalicious:Well,thats just what you are...:) Hope we'll still see each other in the park...You got a smile that makes me happy than i already am...xD See ya hottie..:P

Joshua Lim:Heyy...I know we just say HAI when we see each are awesomee..:)

Siong Ying:Siong Yinggg~I will mis dont go around saying that they very cute ah..xD BYe prettayyy...:)

Song Yang: Heyyo...hope we still see each other when i pass Niya...(hope u still going) Well,bye sexy.

Man i suck...I dont care. BYe!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


A.Alison Chuah Roong Jing!x)

1) Do you love this person?DUH...x)
2) Is this person your enemy?No way,i love her...:)
3) Would you kiss this person?I can't,unless there's a mirror...:P

B.Bryan Ng Chen Yang
1) What do you really think of this person?A LITTLE TEENY WENNY BIT gay...xP
2) What’s his favourite colour?I
3) Ever danced with them?No...

C.Calista Lim Jia Qi!
1) Do you have a crush on this person?Yes..totally..x)
2) Have you ever had a crush on this person?Yes..totally..x)
3) How old is this person?11.


1) How long have you known him/her?Since Std 2.
2)Biggest regret?Nothing.
3)Do you hate this person?Sometimes when he goes all annoying and stuff...but i still love him..:D

E.Eunice Poi Xue Er!:)

1) Have you met her parents?Yeah.
2) Worst thing about this person?I dunno..
3) Best thing about this person?Her friendliness...:D

F. Foo Ri-Anne

1) Have you ever dated this person? No.
2)When is the next time you will see him/her?Tomorrow in school.
3) Do you go to school with them?Look up..:P

G.Gan Siong Ying...

1) Are they a good listener?I dunno..
2) Have you ever lied to make this person feel better?Umm...dont think so..
3) Is this person good looking?Damn HOT.

H.Heng Wei Lynn!:)

1) What grade are they in?5...
2) Is he/she your friend?Yupp~
3) Ever done something illegal with this person?o.O No...

I.Iza Elina Iskandar
1) Describe her/him in two words :SUPER.SEXY.
2) Whats your relationship with her/him ? :Friends..:)
3) Would you trade her for 2 bucks ? : No way..

J. Jared Chuah: Jonny Chong
1)Do they have any siblings? ; One little bro and an older sista..
2) Do you know their favourite song? Chasing cars... ; Starstruck?
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?I.WOULD.SLAPP.AND.KICK... ; ......

K.Kimberly Ng

1) How old were you when you first met? Std 1 or Std 2..
2) How did you meet?Classmate..
3) Ever danced with this person?Yess...last year childrens day..

L. Leong Wei Sim

1) What would you do if you had a crush on this person? Ask her out??
2) Do you like him/her as a friend? Yes of cuz..
3) Would you go to Disney World with this person? If my mum lets..xD

M.Megan Lee! ; Michelle Lee!

1) Is this person older than you? No ; Umm...umm...i forgot when is her bday...
2) Is this person single?Ask her... ; I dunno..
3) How many times do you talk to them in a week? EVERY SINGLE DAY...:DDD

N.Ng Jia Wei

1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend?No..
2) Have you seen this person cry? No...
3) Do you know this person’s middle name?Jia?

O.Oh Lean Hooi(Jasmine)

1) Are you related?Nope.
2) Could you live with this person?Yea i guess..
3) What school do they go to?SJK(C) Puay Chai 2

P. Poh Song Yang
1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person?no..:(
2) How about a sleepover with them?eww...never.
3) Does this person have a job?no?

R.Rachel Wong
1) Have you heard this person sing?No.
2) Do you think this person will repost this?I dunno.
3) When does this person look best?Everywhere..

S.Shu HUi! :)
1) Is this person taller than you?I think so..
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her? Yesss~
3) Do they live close to you?Sorta.

T.Tan Min HUi!!

1) Would you do anything for him/her?Depends..
2) Have you been to his/her house?ALOT of times..
3) Where do they live?BU.

V. Victoria..

1) Does she have a crush on you?No..
2) Would you hug this person? Yes..why not?
3) Is this person your friend? duh.

W.Wong Teng Seon!

1) Is this person loud or quiet?Loud sometimes,Quiet sometimes..
2) Describe this person:FAT...Pro.xD
3) What colour eyes does this person have?I dunno...u expect me to look into his eyes??

Y.Yap YU Jun.
1) Does this person wear make-ups?Dont think so..
2) Does this person play any instruments?Guitar..
3) What is their favourite sport?Bball or V.B

Z.Zi Hao as in Lam Zi Hao..:)

1) Does this person have MSN?Yes.
2) Have you ever made out with this person?o.O nooo...
3) When will you see this person next?Tomorrow in school.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Heyyy....This post is dedicated to Marcus Lee Jing Zhuang...
Since he's moving to Australia...lets go stalk him!!!! jkjk...

Marcus,i just knew you this year(and glad that i have)
But its like i knew you this year...oh wait,i met you this year!! uurrgghh...wat am i doing.
But you're one of my best friend...(YOu will always be the sexiest...xD)

YOu...yo..y...aww...i'll miss you buddy...

Well,i guess this is goodbye Marcus,You will ALWAYS be the sexiest...:)

Hope you will meet lots of good friends over there...(and girlfren also..)


Alison the awesomely unawesome ass.

Saturday, October 31, 2009



Then li lao shi walked pass...we were like oh shit...but he didnt care!!!So we just kept being crazyy...
And then...he took a picture~we were like WOOOOO infront of the cam..:DDDD



Me,Shu Hui,Wei Lynn,Megan,LZH and LJS went to 1U to watch Cloudy with Chance of meatballs....
That show made me frekinn hungry...I was like...GIMME THE JELL-O!!!! xD
After the show,we went to the arcade while the boys went CC...
Me and Wei Lynn were playing the bball thingy till we sweat like mad..
After an hour,we were done playing so we went CC see the boys...
So after they finish their time,we go McD makan...we saw small MJ!!!
Then we went home...TEEHEE..:DDDD

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 I did this.

If Being Sexy Was a Crime
Grab a new Myspace Layout

Big Valentine!


Busty Halloween
New Graphics


Too sexy
Comments from


Bye!! Feel sexy...BE sexy...:)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hey guys...guess what...I'M NOT EMO AGAIN.
I just keep changing.......i dunno why...
I think cos i got all my results already...and I no need to worry?
Sorta...yea so......

I cant wait till next year...

Does anyone come to my blog???I think only I see my own stupid blog...
So only once in a while I will blog...

OH yeah...Tommorow no school!!!! woots~

The awesomely unawesome ass,

Monday, October 19, 2009


Guys,I have something to tell you....

I decided to be EMO again...if you didnt noe i stopped being you noe...
It's no point being cheerful when you're gonna be sad after you know your results for exams...
You heart just drops when you think about the exam results...
So no point being happy then sad...So...

So,because of exams...i'm dont blame me..
If you guys dont want me to be emo...PLEASE tell me...

Aarrgghh...this post didnt make sense AT ALL.But...

E-emotional,ruins everybodys day...
M-for miserable ppl...
O-on the DARK side,cos we have some fresh cookies..COOKIES YEAH~

Friday, October 16, 2009



Now is time my BROTHERS the computer is MINE...
Oh yeah...i decided not to be emo cos I cant...:D
But i'm still keeping this blog like this...:)

Anyways,just now Uncle Pang came to do some'jiang zou hui'
And you know what??
I luv him..:DDD

Then after that,cos 5M was selling food..
we went there to buy food..yum...
Chong Han and BJ was having a competition to see who can buy the most stuff...wastin money..
They were like BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY...
I was like.OMG...Then I ask wether can gimme one..
both also..."NO"

Kays...too lazy to blog...BUaiiii.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Global Warming..:(

You know what causes global warming??Cutting down trees...
And you know WHY must we cut down trees??To make paper...
And you know WHY must we make paper??Because of....


Yes,because of this damnit freakin exams...
Arent we suppose to STOP global warming??
Not make it even WORSE.



Do you want to torture us?!?!
Do you want us to suffer?!?!
Do you want us to get scolded if we dont get good results?!?!

Anyways,Today's chinese and science was...okay okay larh...75 and above i think...
Science was more difficult...ESPECIALLY the Subjectif..

Need study now...BYe.

Friday, September 25, 2009


The day b4 and my mummeh went to 1U...Then when we were walking..I heard someone scream.I turned back...3 hot gals was running to me xD

So my mum let me walk around with them...So we bought McD ice cream..
Then we went to Jusco and we saw barbie sunglasses...!!
So we were like trying it on and taking photos...(I think megan will uplaod the photos)

Yesterday,me and Calista went to Xue Er's house for fun...
After some time...Cal took out her bio...Then I saw *****'s bio...Cal wanted to tear it off..
Me and Xue Er tried to convince her to not tear it out...
So she said that we have to give her 10 reasons why not to tear it out...
We were like"cos he's your fren mah..."But she tore it out anyway..:)

Damnit...schools gonna start..:(

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Holidays ALMOST over..:(

Sigh..I dont wanna go back to school..:(
Well,I wanna see my frens..not my teachers...
I havent finish project yet...WHO CARES?!

Damnit,I'm addicted to Picnik..
Cos it RAWKS...:)
I edited some photos...wanna see it?
IT'S IN go see larh.

I dont wanna study...T.T
Arent we suppose to go green??
Why are we wasting precious trees for the stupid exams???
Dude,HAVE HEART!!!!!!!!!

Peace out dudes,

Friday, September 18, 2009

Holiday and Picnik!!!

Sup homies?!As you all know,it's the holidays..Sadly,I have to use it to STUDY.:(
Oh yeah...PICNIK RAWKS...kinda:)
I edited a photo on Picnik...take a lookie.

LOL...The couzinkins...XD

Ok,that's all!!!Buai sexxaayyyss...:)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Basketball competition...

The basketball champions are.....



Good games dudets...good game...:)
You guys were AWESOME today...
Congrats!!!YOu guys RULE!!!

And to the 5K galz...Its okay.:)
We did our best right?:)
You guys rule FOREVER AND ALWAYS..:)

Oh yeah,Congrats to 5M guys too...
And to 5K awesome guys...It's okay.There's always a next time.:)

Oh everybody who was cheering for us...THANK YOU.

OK,thats all...BYe!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

UPSR!!!and Mummy's birthday:)

Hey sexy people.

As you all know,UPSR is here for the std.6 dudes....GOOD LUCK!
And...after 365 more will be...OUR TURN..
I just cant wait when UPSR finishes NEXT YEAR.So we can PARTAY:)

Anyways,OUR CLASS 5K GIRLS GOT INTO SEMI FINALS!!!AHHHHHHHH....BUt we are against 5M...again.It's the same EVERY YEAR...:(

8 September....
Okay,So,today is Liew Shu Lynn,my best frens birthday..So HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!Luv ya(as a fwen)

10 September...

MUMMY:)HAPPY BIRTHDAY...I LOVE YOU.:)You are always there beside me when I need you...So...I LOVE YOU.:)

11 September....
My bestest best friend in the whole wide world.:)
Pam,I've known you since we were super super young...And,HAPPY BIRTHDAY.:)LUv ya!

P.S:Sorry if i wrote very little stuff..cos i have nothin to writeXD

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Holidays....ALMOST over...:(

Sup ppl?!......

Well,i guess the title says it.HOLIDAY ARE ALMOST OVER....sad..

Anyway,how you guys like my new header?I like it but it's kinda freakin me out...xd

Anyways...again,I know this is random,but I wanna wish ALL the std.6 ppl GOOD LUCK for their UPSR!!!Especially....


And A LOT more!!!

P.S:This is reeeaaaalllyyyy random.BYe!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Today 10 girls(includin me)and 10 boys went to bai sa luo.We went there to meet other people like Malay,Indian...We also got to play some games.I played Galah Panjang...AWESOME!!

I met alot of people...but I dont know their names..:)

Guess what we got for free?!?.....

A T-Shirt with all the badges of the schools who competed.
A cool hat with you push a button and the sunglasses come down thingy...


Monday, August 10, 2009

Breaking free...



Damn,I'm sick.I hope I can go to the tradisional games thing on Monday...

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla black sheep bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.....

Peace out,

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dead.WAS Dead.:)

What's dead?I guess you guys already know what was dead.


Well,at least it's back alive.I couldn't use the computer because of EXAMS.And there's 1 more week.I am now taking a break from studying.So I won't be blogging for god knows how long...ok?

GTG now,Peace out.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I am


I cant go to....

Cameron Highlands two days one night trip.
Parents think I'm too YOUNG.
When my parents said:"NO,too dangerous."
Yeap,you guessed it,I cried...a little:)
So?What's your problem,PUNK?

Anyways,I'm gonna try to beg them again....WISH ME LUCK:)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Micheal Jackson....

So sad....Micheal Jackson passed away...:(

I am a huge fan of Michael Jackson. The man gave modern pop its identity and gave all of us lessons in music... not to mention the uniqueness of his vocals and his unbelievable dancing moves. He truly was the god of pop. Maybe the only singer in history who everyone knows across the globe. Sad loss.

I love his songs.Especially Thriller and I'll be there.:)

He was and will remain the king of the music, an icon to aspiring singers for the way he carved a niche for himself by fighting the odds and creating a new genre of music which we shall remember forever as Michael Jackson's music. His demise is a big loss.

Rest in peace,King of pop.:)We will ALWAYS remember you.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Not really tagged by Jared.....

Level 1
( ) Smoked A Cigarette
( ) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex On The Cheek
(X) Drank Alcohol

Level 2
( ) Are / Been In Love
( ) Been Dumped
( ) Shoplifted
( ) Been Fired

Level 3
(X) Had A Crush On An Older Person
(X) Skipped School
( ) Slept With A Co-worker
(X) Seen Someone / Something Die.....

Level 4
( ) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
( ) Been To Paris
(X) Been On A Plane
(X) Thrown Up From Drinking

Level 5
(X) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been Snowboarding
( ) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook

Level 6
( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
(X) Taken Pain Killers
( ) Love/loved Someone Who You Cant Have
(X) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
( ) Made A Snow Angel

Level 7
( ) Had A Tea Party
(X) Flown A Kite
(X) Built A Sand Castle
(X) Played Dress Up

Level 8
( ) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
( ) Gone Sledging
(X) Cheated While Playing A Game
(X) Been Lonely
(X) Fallen Asleep At Work / School

Level 9
(X) Watched The Sun Set
( ) Felt An Earthquake
( ) Killed A Snake

Level 10
(X) Been Tickled
(X) Been Robbed / Vandalized
(X) Been Misunderstood

Level 11
(X) Won A Contest
( ) Been Suspended From School
( ) Had Detention
( ) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident

Level 12
(X) Had / Have Braces
(X) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(X) Danced in the moonlight

Level 13
(X) Hated The Way You Look
(X) Witnessed A Crime
( ) Pole Danced
(X) Questioned Your Heart
( ) Been obsessed with post-it-notes

Level 14
(X) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(X) Been Lost
(X) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
(X) Swam In The Ocean
(X) Felt Like You Were Dying

Level 15
(X) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(X) Played Cops And Robbers
(X) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(X) Sang Karaoke
(X) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins

Level 16
(X) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
(X) Made a Prank Phone Call
(X) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
( ) Kissed In The Rain

Level 17
(X) Written A Letter To Santa Claus
(X) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(X) Blown Bubbles
( ) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere

Level 18
( ) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
( ) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
(X) Had A Wish Come True

Level 19
( ) Worn Pearls
( ) Jumped Off A Bridge
( ) Swore at the teacher, in front of them
( ) Swam With Dolphins

Level 20
(X) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube
( ) Kissed A Fish
(X) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
( ) Sat On A Roof Top

Level 21
(X) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lung
( ) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
( ) Recently stayed Up for a while talking to someone you care about

Level 22
( ) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
( ) Climbed A Tree
( ) Had/Been In A Tree House
( ) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone

Level 23
(X) Believed In Ghosts
( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
( ) Gone Streaking

Level 24
( ) Played with Chickens
( ) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(X) Been Amused

Level 25
( ) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
(X) Caught A Butterfly
(X) Laughed So Hard You Cried
(X) Cried So Hard You Laughed

Level 26
( ) Mooned/Flashed Someone
( ) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(X) Cheated On A Test
(X) Forgotten Someones Name
( ) French Braided Someones Hair
( ) Been Kicked Out Of Your House
(X)Tried to hurt yourself

Level 27
(X) Rode A Roller Coaster
(X) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling
(X) Black-Mailed Someone
(X) Been Black Mailed

Level 28
(X) Been Used
(X) Fell Going Up The Stairs
(X) Bitten Someone

What a long tag. And there's some more.
Name a friend from A-Z.

A - Alison
B - Bryan
C - Christina
D - Desheng
E - Ethan
F -Foo Ri-anne
G - ..........dunno anybody whose name starts with G
H - Heng Wei Lynn
I - Idiot....
J - Jared
K - Kimberly
L - Leong Wei Sim
M - Megan Lee
N - Naomi Lee
O - Ong Yen Li
P - Phang Kenie
Q - dunno.....
R - Rachel Wong
S - Shu Lynn
T - Tan Jin Yi
U - Underwear
V - Victoria
W - Wong Yun Qing
X - x-men
Y - Ying Qian
Z - Zi Hao

1.Can R and S get together in BGR?[boy girl relationship]
Answer:Lesbians ah......NO

2: How is L related to you?
Answer: Classmates

3: Does Y knows Z?
Answer: Yes.Classmates.

4: If C betray you, will you kill him/her?
Answer: Hmmm.....maybe

5: If K steals your boyfriend, what will you do?
Answer: number 1: I dont have a boyfriend,but if she does steal my future bf,I STILL wont know what to do...teehee

6: If B tells you that he/she has a crush on you, what will you do?
Answer: I'd puke

7: Will you and M get into a fight?

8: Who does K have a crush on?

9: If L calls you bitch, what will you do?
Answer:I will call her a bitch back...duh

10: What's the relationship between you and E?
Answer: Friends & classmates

11: Who does Z like?
Answer:Should I tell?Better not.But everyone knows...

12: Who is I's best friend?

13: What color does Y like?
Answer:Never asked...

14: Where does F live?

15: Did you and C had a fight before?
Answer:not really...

16: Who is H's best friend?

17: What can you say about T?
Answer:She's my friend?

18: If J tells you he/she have a crush on you?
Answer:WTF?!He is my sister brother!!!

19: Who is G's idol?
Answer: dont know.

20: Tag 10 people to do this quiz.
~Liew Shu Lynn
~Yap Yu Jun
~Wong Yun Qing
~Khym Fong

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm back!

I'm baaaaaack!!!!!Anyone missed me?!Phuket Club Med ROCKS!You get to do ANYTHIN you want to do.EVERYTHIN is for freeeeeeee......cos you already paid for it...
I cant believe I did the was FUN!!!I also did archery...there are also G.O's which are kind,fun,cool......stupid flight gt delayed,wasted 1 whole day...:(
After 3 days in Club Med,we went to another hotel called was ok ok only la.Cuz very quiet.Unlike Club Med,we partied till midnight.So i prefered Club Med.

Aiya,school about to start...:(
I got my results...not all of tem though...I'm quite happy with my results..except my sivik...suck like shit only...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just came back from the park with Eunice....
Went too fast over a muddy place and got SPLAT.

Before that,Michelle came over for fun...
Watched Kid trying to say blood on youtube over and over and over again...damn funny:)
bla bla bla bla bla.....My brother is currently pissing me off now....

I'm bored,too addicted to the computer...cant..stop...
*sigh*Cant wait for Wednesday..going to *** **** house for gathering.(she ask me not to mention her name)
Cant wait...One WHOLE day without my annoying sister brother pissing me off.


Sunday, May 31, 2009


peoples :)
i got something to say to you
something to shout about :)
so tell everyone i told you this
pwease? kays :)
here goes nothing...


not forever though
i wish it was :)
just for 2 weeks only.
I am going to Phuket Club Med with my whole family...
WOOHOO!!!We get to do ANYTHING we want in the club..
We're gonna have a rockin fun time.

P:S:Yes Qing,I copied yours....hope you don't mind:)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bored,so I did this!

Super Letter Survey

Here's how you do it:
(Please read the result - as posted right at the bottom - before you read the instructions. You're understanding is much appreciated.)

Dear (someone you recently talked to),
I don't really know how to tell you this, (1). (2) I think I realized it (3) and I saw you (4)(5). I'm sure you're (6) enough to understand (7). I'm returning your (8) to you, but I'll keep (9) as a memory. You should also know that I (10) and (11).


1) What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - I'm in love with your cat
Red - Our affair is over
White - I’m joining the Convent
Black -Our romance is over
Green- Our socks don't match
Grey - You're a leprechaun
Yellow - I'm selling myself for candy
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - Purple hedgehogs want to destroy you
Other -I dislike your eyelashes

2) Which is your birth month?
January - That night you picked your nose
February -When I quoted Forrest Gump
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on peanut butter
May - When I threw up in your sock drawer
June - When you put cuffs on me
July – When I saw the purple monkey
August - When you smacked my ass
September - Last year when you peed your pants
October - When I finally changed my underwear
November - When your dog humped my leg
December - When we skinny dipped in the bathtub

3) Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - When we skinny dipped in the bathtub
Chicken- In your car
Pasta - Outside of your office
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad – As you were eating Kraft Dinner
Lasagna - In your closet
Kebab - With Jean Chrétien
Fish - In a clown suit
Sandwiches - At the Elton John concert
Pizza - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a street light
Annat- With George Bush and Stephen Harper

4) What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - Ignore
Red - Put whipped cream on
Black - Hit on
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - bit of
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the pants off of
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive over

5) What's the color of your underwear?
Black - My boyfriend
White - My father
Grey – The Catholic Priest
Brown – The Montreal Canadian’s goalie
Purple - My corned beef hash
Red – My knee caps
Blue - My salt-beef bucket
Yellow - My illegitimate child in Ghana
Orange - My Blink 182 cd
Pink – Your ‘My Little Pony’ collection
Other --The elephant in the corner

6) What do you prefer to watch on TV?
One Tree Hill - Senile
Heroes- Frostbitten
Lost - High
Simpsons- Cowardly
The news - Scarred
American Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Open
Top Model - Middle-class
Annat -shamed

7) Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful you are
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That I get turned on only by garbage men
Angry - That your smell makes me vomit
Depressed – That we’re related
Excited - That I may pee my pants
Nervous - The middle-east is planning their revenge on you
Worried - That your Ford sucks
Apathetic - That you need a sex-change
Silly - That I'm allergic to your earlobes
Cuddly - That Santa doesn't exist
Ashamed - That there is no solution to you being a dumb kid
Other - That your driving sucks

8) What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your toe ring
Yellow - Your love letters to me
Red - The pictures from Vegas
Black - Your pet rock
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - Your car
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your nose hair clippers
Grey - Our matching snoopy underwear
Purple - Your old New Kids on the Block blanket
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your Hannah Montana underwear

9) The first letter of your first name?
A/B - My virginity
C/D - Your photo with the moustache drawn on it
E/F - Your neighbors dog
G/H - The oil tank from your car
I/J - Your left ear
K/L - The results of that blood-sample
M/N - Your glass eye
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X – Your sucide note
Y/Z - Your credit cards

10) The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Love your sweet, sweet ass
C/D - Always will remember the pep talks
E/F -Never will forget that night
G/H – Will not tell the authorites that you stole the whale from the backyard.
I/J – Mocked you behind your back constantly
K/L - Hate your cooking
M/N - Told in my confession today about the moose poaching
O/P - Told my psychiatrist about the bruises
Q/R - Always wanted to break your legs
S/T - Get sick when I think of your feet
U/V - Will try to forget that you broke my heart
W/X - Haven’t showered in a month
Y/Z – am better off without you

11) What do you prefer to drink?
Wine- Our friendship is ruined
Soft drink – I’m off to lead a new life as a lemon
Soda – I will haunt you when I’m reincarnated as an Eskimo
Milk - The apartment building is on fire
Water – I'm scratching my butt as you read this
Cider– I have a passionate interest for mice
Juice – You ruined my attempts at another world war
Mineral/Vitamin water – You should get that embarrassing rash checked
Hot chocolate – Your Cucumber-fetishism is weird
Whiskey - I love Oprah Winfrey
Beer – Thanks for the Cocaine
Other – you should stop picking your nose

12) To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand – Warm tingly sensations
Australia - Best of luck on the sex change
France - Love always
Spain - With tears of sadness
China – You make me sick
Germany – Please don’t hurt me
Japan - Go milk a cow
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
USA - Kiss my butt
Egypt – Greetings to your frog Leonard
England - Go drown yourself.

The RESULT (to be read first)

Dear Yu Jun,
I don't really know how to tell you this, our romance is over. When I tripped on peanut butter I think I realized it outside your office and I saw you Sit on your "My Little Pony" collection. I'm sure you're Frostbitten enough to understand That your smell makes me vomit. I'm returning your cut toenails to you, but I'll keep my virginity as a memory. You should also know that I Always will remember the pep talks and I’m off to lead a new life as a lemon.

Best of luck on the sex change,

Happy Birthday

Today is my sisters brothers birthday! I'm gonna wish u in a way that even she can understand.

Happy Birthday


Thursday, May 21, 2009

5..4..3..2..1..GOODBYE EXAMS!!!!I'LL MISS YOU...NOT!

And the winner of the american idol is.......


I thought Adam would win....But i dont mind cos Kris is HOT.

I know,this is short,but I dont care.So bye!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cant wait!

The most saddening day for std.6 ex-band players.The HAPPIEST day for std 5 band players...(:
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla,I'm bored.

Oh yeah,

4th May
Happy birthday,we've been friends since like,FOREVER.Though we quarrel sometimes....

I still LOVE you......teehee

8 may

Yo wassup mamah!!!Happy birthday.You will ALWAYS be my BEST friend.So....



Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 09


29 April

30 April

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hey,yesterday was volleyball competition,GUESS WHAT!?!we lost.Damn.....
But whatever,at least we got 2nd,so we didnt go back empty handed:)
Boys volleyball team got 1st!!Congratulations.....
Oh yeah.....I GOT A NEW GUITAR!!!But I dunno how to play it...
Oh yeah...again.I cant believe that I MAY be drum major!!!
Either me or Eunice...OK,That's all for now,BYE!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


OMG....OMG...OMG...My birthday was yesterday!!!So,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was volleyball competition in "bai sa luo".We didnt play with them though...
They organized it....We played with some kebangsaan school..i think:)
Tomorrow still got volleyball competition and we're gonna WIN it!!

Bye bye!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


*sigh*Aiyo....So sad Blue team lost...Damn it man:(
For 6 freakin years in a row,Blue Team won 1st.And now,Blue Team is crap:(
Took part in Tug Of War, usual:(
Red team people DAMN big size offence:)

1st:Yellow Team
2nd:Green Team
3rd:Red Team
4th:Blue Team

Well,we will try again next year!!BLUE TEAM!!BLUE TEAM!!BLUE TEAM ROCKS!!!


Friday, April 17, 2009

Sports day!

Sports day is tomorrow!!!!Havent practise song for the school band!!!I'm gonna die!!!Oh shit!!!Ughh....Wateva!!So,Tata!!

This is really short,I know.

P.S:My birthday is on 22nd April!!!:D

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yay!!!I got new specs!!Just got it today.:)
Bro got a type of disease about his leg...
He was playing in playground with his friend,Francisco on the seesaw.
Instead of sitting,they were STANDING.They were playing who can stand the longest on the seesaw and not fall down...=.=
So Francisco jumped down from the seesaw,no idea why.Then my brother went out of balance and BAM!His knee hit the seat and he fell down.-.-
Poor thing...but serves him right!!!No offence,but it's true.:)

Pictures of his swollen leg:

Already swollen...

And his cut.....


Friday, April 10, 2009


Oh yeah!!!VICTORY!!!Our volleyball team won the zone champions,SJK(C) Confusion!!!!So happy!Walau,I went to school at 6:50......Then I forgot my kneepad..So I had to call my mom to get it(teehee)..Walau,school damn big man!But the field damn small.Anyway,.....WE WON!!!!So,tata!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Oh man....It's been a loooooooooooooong time since I posted my blog...Well,the reason I didnt post is because my freakin wireless down...and now it's okay.umm..umm...umm...oh yeah,got volleyball match on Friday versus SJK(C) Confusion.....So..tata!!Will post bday post another time.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Friday, March 20, 2009

Hey people,yesterday Kimberly,Shu Hui,Pamela,Wei Sim,Michelle and Megan came to my house....DAMN FUN MAN!!!We filled up the mini pool and we played in it.BUt only me,Shu Hui,Wei Sim and Michelle got wet.Oh yeah,my brother and his friend also got wet,(by us)lol.And guess who got the wettest?!...................................................................................................................MY DOG!!!MAX!!!We decided to bathe him in the pool,without using shampoo.oh shit!!Havent finish homework and project yet!!!!I gtg now.I will put the pictures some other time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Man,just came back from school band camp,damn tired man......But quite nice also.Aiyo,school gonna start already....And I havent finish homework and project.....shit!I hate homework...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Today my brothers friends came,and when the first guy came,my bro asked him wether he wanted to play Wii.Then he said,"nah,I wanna read a book."My bro was like(in a confused look)said"uhh.....ok)Then I laughed.Then at 2.00 o clock,my mum and I went to The Club.I saw Michelle and Victoria in the gym.Sadly,they didnt bring their swimmingsuit,cos I went there to swim.After swimming,my mum belanja Michelle and Victoria for tea.WTF lar...stupid ice-cream cost RM 3.oo...At 5.15,my mum fetched Michelle and Victoria home.Oh yeah,we saw Bryan Tai and Ethan also.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Cute pictures.....

Hi cutie!
Myspace Layouts

Need Cookie!
Myspace 2.0 layouts



Can I Have This?
MySpace Graphics

Oh, Hey Guys

Who's Awesome
Myspace 2.0 layouts

Doggy Costumes
Myspace 2.0 layouts

Go Time
MySpace Graphics

I almost Had It
MySpace Graphics

Myspace 2.0 layouts
