You Can Say

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

UPSR!!!and Mummy's birthday:)

Hey sexy people.

As you all know,UPSR is here for the std.6 dudes....GOOD LUCK!
And...after 365 more will be...OUR TURN..
I just cant wait when UPSR finishes NEXT YEAR.So we can PARTAY:)

Anyways,OUR CLASS 5K GIRLS GOT INTO SEMI FINALS!!!AHHHHHHHH....BUt we are against 5M...again.It's the same EVERY YEAR...:(

8 September....
Okay,So,today is Liew Shu Lynn,my best frens birthday..So HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!Luv ya(as a fwen)

10 September...

MUMMY:)HAPPY BIRTHDAY...I LOVE YOU.:)You are always there beside me when I need you...So...I LOVE YOU.:)

11 September....
My bestest best friend in the whole wide world.:)
Pam,I've known you since we were super super young...And,HAPPY BIRTHDAY.:)LUv ya!

P.S:Sorry if i wrote very little stuff..cos i have nothin to writeXD